Saturday, March 7, 2009

Confessions of a Social Media Addict...

When someone first told me about Twitter, my first response was "I don't have TIME for that!". Really, who cares to know, in 140 character snippets, what I am doing. And really, do I honestly care where you are going for lunch, or what you had for breakfast, or that your Fed Ex package is delayed?

So, typical to the way I do things, I started to research. After all, Twitter is credited with helping the campaign for Obama... Hilary Clinton uses it... it's becoming all the rage for Government and Private Industry! Every time I watch CNN, someone is mentioning Tweeting or Twitter...

Here's what I shamefully have to admit.

I am addicted.

Yes, I completely fip flopped from naysayer to advocate.

There are several strategies to use Twitter as part of a well-thought out media campaign on the Internet. I am going to share my thoughts about Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Plaxo, Digg, Web 2.0 and other social media over the days ahead.

My background in marketing coupled with a love of technology and insatiable curiousity about the way things work will be evident here. I hope you'll elect to follow my rants.

Partially this blog is an experiment of my own in the power of Social Media. Thanks for reading, and please share your thoughts and experiences with me as well. This is new ground for the Internet, and as we enter Web 3.0, I anticipate accelerated change in the days ahead!

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